Sign On & Off
Worker attendance
- How to trigger an emergency event
- How do I sign on as a visitor?
- How do I sign a worker off manually?
- Are workers automatically signed out at the end of the day?
- What is a Sign on?
- How do I generate a report of subcontractor sign-ons?
- What happens if SWMS are uploaded after an induction is completed?
- How do I export sign ons?
- How Do I Set Up Rotating QR Codes for My Project?
- How can I Sign Off all Workers at the end of the day?
- Bulk export sign-ons for all current projects?
- How Can I Create a Timesheet from Sign On/Sign Off Entries?
- How Can I Enable Start and End Times for Timesheets?
- How do I change the sign on template?
- How do I sign off as a visitor?