How can I edit a permit template?

Our intuitive template editor is also available to create and maintain your permit templates

Access Permissions:

Only admin users with the role of manager or owner can access this page, as with editing any other template in BuildPass.

To edit a template:

  • Navigate to the Permits Page
  • From the "More" menu select "Edit Permit Types"
  • Choose the permit you would like to edit
  • You will have the option of editing one of three templates;
    • Application - the questions a worker will be asked when applying for the permit
    • Enactment - the questions a worker will be asked when they start or stop the permitted work
    • Close Out - the questions a worker will be asked when ending their permit
  • To edit an existing template, click on the edit button for that template
    • You can also create new templates from this page if they don't already exist
    • Add and remove blocks from a permit templates just you would with a checklist template

Remember, not every permit requires all three templates. Workers will still be able to start, pause, and close out work even if a specific template is not in place. They will simply press a button to perform these actions.

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