How do I edit the register fields?

Edit the register fields using this step-by-step guide for customizing and updating register information.

Step 1: Accessing the Register

  1. Open BuildPass and navigate to the register you want to edit. For this example, we will use the excavator register.

Step 2: Identifying the Need for a New Field

  1. Review the register and identify the specific information you want to track. In this case, we want to track the brand of the excavator.

Step 3: Adding a New Field

  1. Click on the excavator item in the register.
  2. Notice that there is no field available to track the brand.
  3. To add a new field, go back to the main page of the register.

Step 4: Accessing Field Editing Options

  1. On the main page of the register, locate the menu in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Click on the "More" option in the menu.
  3. Select "Edit Fields" from the available options.

Step 5: Adding a Text Block Field

  1. In the "Edit Fields" section, click on "Add Block" to create a new field.
  2. Since we want users to input text for the brand, choose a text block as the field type.
  3. Specify the name for the field, such as "Brand" or "Make/Model" for common usage.

Step 6: Configuring the Field Settings

  1. Make the field a required entry by enabling the "Required Field" option. This ensures that users must input the brand for each item.
  2. Disable the "Notes" option if you don't want any additional notes to appear before the description.
  3. To change the field's position, drag it up or down in the field list.
  4. Once the settings are configured, click on "Save Template" to save the changes.

Step 7: Using the Edited Field

  1. Now, whenever you create a new plant item in the excavator register, you will be prompted to enter the make and model information.
  2. If you attempt to create an item without filling in the brand field, an error message will appear, reminding you to provide a value for the field.

Conclusion: By following these steps, you can easily customise and edit the fields associated with a register item in BuildPass. Whether you need to track different attributes or gather specific information, BuildPass provides the flexibility to tailor your registers according to your requirements.

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