How do I change who a register item is assigned to?

Change who a register item is assigned to using this step-by-step guide for updating item assignments.

  • Access Project Overview: Log in to your account on BuildPass and access your project overview.
  • Navigate to Registers: Within the project overview, locate the "Registers" section. Click on it to access the list of register items.
  • Select Register Item: Browse through the list of register items and choose the one for which you want to change the assignee. Click on the specific register item to open its details.
  • Edit Register Item: Once you're in the register item's details, look for the "Edit" option. Click on it to enter the edit mode.
  • Modify Assignees: Within the edit mode, locate the section that mentions "Select Assignees." Here, you can manage the assignees for this register item.
  • Remove Current Assignees: To remove the current assignees, click on the option that allows you to remove them. This will clear the current assignees associated with the item.
  • Choose New Assignee: After removing the current assignees, you can now select a new assignee for the register item. Choose the person or entity you want to assign it to.
  • Save Changes: Once you've selected the new assignee, look for an option like "Done" or "Save Changes." Click on it to confirm your selection.
  • Update Item: To finalise the changes, locate and click on the "Update Item" button or a similar option. This will save the new assignee for the register item.
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