How do I create document folders?

Create document folders easily. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to organize your documents into folders for efficient management.

Step 1: Access Your Project Overview

  • Begin by accessing your project overview in the BuildPass platform.

Step 2: Navigate to Documents

  • Once you're in the project overview, locate the "Documents" section.

Step 3: Choose the Specific Document Category

  • Depending on your needs, select the appropriate document category. In this example, "Company Documents" is chosen, but the process is the same for other categories like "Project Documents" and additional document types.

Step 4: Create a New Folder

  • Within the chosen document category, click on "More" to reveal additional options.
  • Select "Create Folder."

Step 5: Name the New Folder

  • Give your new folder a name. For instance, you can name it "New Folder."

Step 6: Confirm Folder Creation

  • Click on the "Create" button to confirm the creation of your new folder.

Step 7: Manage Your Folder

  • Now, you should see your newly created folder in the document category.
  • To edit the folder's name or delete it, click on the pencil icon associated with the folder.

Step 8: Move Documents to the Folder

  • If you want to move an existing document into this folder, select the document.
  • Choose the "Move" option.

Step 9: Select the Folder

  • Select the folder you want to move the document into.

Step 10: Verify Document Movement

  • You will now see that the document has been moved into the selected folder.

Step 11: Create Subfolders (Optional)

  • To create subfolders within the current folder, click on "More" again.
  • Select "Create Folder" and give it a name, such as "Folder Two."

Step 12: Confirm Subfolder Creation

  • Click on "Create" to confirm the creation of the subfolder.

Step 13: Navigation

  • To navigate back to the project's main overview, simply click on the "Home" button.

Step 14: Access Your Folders

  • You can now access and manage your folders and documents from the project overview.

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