Why don't I have a Pre-Qualification template

If you don't have pre-qualifications in BuildPass, it may be due to insufficient permissions, the feature not being enabled, or incomplete project setup. Check permissions, enable the feature, and complete necessary details.


Prequalifications are an essential aspect of efficiently managing tasks and processes, especially in fast-paced environments. In this guide, we will walk through the process of setting up prequalifications

Step 1: Accessing Prequalifications

Upon accessing your Buldpass admin, navigate to the prequalifications section. Here, you will find options to manage and configure prequalifications for your tasks and projects.

Step 2: Selecting a Template

Choose a prequalification template that suits your requirements. If none are available, consider reaching out to customer support or your client services team to set up a template.

Step 3: Requesting Template Setup

Contact customer support or your client services team to request the setup of a prequalification template if one is not available. They will be able to assist you in creating a template tailored to your needs.

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