How do I upload files for a subcontractor?

Upload files for a subcontractor using this step-by-step guide for managing subcontractor documentation.

Step 1: Navigating to the SWMS Section

  1. Log in to your BuildPass account to access your project dashboard.
  2. In the "Project Overview," click on the "Safety" tab to expand the options.
  3. Select "SWMS" from the available options.
  4. Click on "Upload SWMS" to proceed with uploading a document.

Step 2: Uploading SWMS Documents

  1. Choose the subcontractor for whom you are uploading the document from the dropdown list.
  2. Drag and drop the document into the designated area or click to browse and select the document from your files.
  3. Name the document appropriately for easy identification.
  4. Assign a status to the document (options include: Waiting Review, Reviewed, or Changes Requested).
  5. Optionally, mark the document if it requires a signature from subcontractors or if you wish to assign it to specific workers.
  6. Click on "Upload SWMS" to complete the process.

Step 3: Uploading Insurance Documents

  1. Navigate to the "Insurances" section by clicking on it from the project overview.
  2. Select "Upload Insurance" to start the process of uploading an insurance document.
  3. Repeat the process of selecting the subcontractor, dragging and dropping the document, naming it, and finally, clicking on upload as described in the steps for uploading SWMS documents.
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