Setting up Geolocation

In this article we cover how to enable geolocation on BuildPass so that you can be automatically reminded to sign on when you arrive to site.

  1. Sign On for the Day
    • Open the BuildPass app.
    • Proceed to sign on for the day as you normally would
    • You will then be prompted to enable geolocation for better notification of future sign ons.
  2. Allowing Notifications and Location Permissions
    • When prompted, allow notifications to be sent to your device from the BuildPass app
    • Then, when prompted for location permissions, click 'Allow' and ensure that you choose 'Allow while using app' and then when prompted change to 'Always allow' so that you don't need BuildPass open to receive these notifications
  3. Confirming Geolocation Permissions Activation
    • Verify that the geolocation permissions are now turned on by going into your "Profile" and then pressing "Settings". You should see that the "Geofenced Projects" toggle is enabled
  4. Managing Geolocation Settings
    • To adjust geolocation settings, navigate to your profile in the app and access the settings page
    • Here, you can choose to turn off the geolocation setting or turn it back on as needed.

If you skipped the options to enable geolocation initially you can always enable it later. Steps to do this on an Android Device are here and here for iOS devices.

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